Thursday, I don't really know what I did, except study and watch TV
Friday, last day of the week, I made it through another one, and as a reward I got to have dinner with friends. Nicole had us over for Stroganoff dinner, and Hocus Pocus (the movie). A night of good food, good conversation, and good friends.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! Today was halloween, which has always been one of Rich and I's favorite holidays. Unfortunately we had to spend it apart this year, it's also the first time in five years we haven't had our big party. It was very different, but fortunately for me I still managed to have a really good time. Lauren, a friend from school, had a party at her house in Georgetown, where we enjoyed some food, drink, and fun in the form of catchphrase, before heading down to M street. M street was pretty much AMAZING! It was super crowded and the cops were out in full force, but it was some of the best people watching EVER! I really enjoyed seeing everyone in costume, and have the people were drunk and it was extremely amusing. I also conducted my own social experiment where I randomly started singing a song everyone knows and see how many people join was a great time!
Me and Nicole
Garth and Wayne (Lauren, friend from school)
Only at a party with nurses...Drinking I.S.!
Crew from school, Nicole, Jason, Lauren, Me...P.S. I'm gazing lovingly at the skull because I crashed my plane on a desert island and my navigator died first...I was Amelia Earhart
Sunday, study, study, study and meeting the neighbors. My neighbor (who I had never met) down the hall had a post halloween hangover and housewarming party, so I went. I ate some meatloaf and potatoes, met some neighbors, then headed home for some more studying.