Thursday, April 9, 2009

First Blog Entry...Let's Discuss the Name

Hello Everyone,

This is my first attempt at a blog, so please be lenient and enjoy.

I decided now would be a good time to start a blog due to the upcoming move. I thought this would be a good way to communicate with everyone, especially once we move to DC. This way I can keep you all abreast of everything that is going on, even when I can't find time to talk or e-mail you all individually.

For this first entry I thought I would explain our blog name choice. I called Richard at work today and told him I wanted to start a blog. First, he said why? I replied, "Because I want to!" Then I asked him if he had any suggestions for our blog name and he replied, "Our Dumb Blog". I thought it was perfect! If you know Richard, you know this sounds exactly like him. Then when I was selecting our domain name, was already taken, so we tried and Victory was ours!!!


  1. so awesome! :) love the name...that was probably the hardest part of getting started for me, since "king family" and every variation thereof was taken! i like the colors & layout! can't wait for more posts!

  2. haha, definitely a richard response! love it! I'll add you guys to our blog list now!

  3. Yay for blogging! Thanks for sharing..we'll miss yall! Keep us posted :)


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