Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Welcome to the World Carly Michelle

Carly Michelle Pace

Born: April 27, 2009 0750am

This is Amanda and Jason's second bundle of joy. They now have the perfect all American family of four with a boy and a girl. Jonah will be 2 next week, WOW! I can hardly believe Jonah's been with us so long, and here they go bringing another beautiful little one into the world.

Amanda had a scheduled C-section on the 27th, a day of rain and swine flu. We got the title of first friends to meet this little girl, monday night after I got off work I went home washed off the work cooties, and we headed to the hospital. She was born at Centennial Medical Center in Frisco, and it was quite possible the eeriest hospital I've ever been in. Working in a hospital and having 2 years of nursing school with clinicals in many different hospitals, have lead me to associate a hospital with hustle and bustle, lots of people, and the smell.... This was the quietest hospital I've ever been in, it was very nice, new and clean too. These are 3 things that are never associated with Parkland, very new to me.

We really enjoyed meeting Carly, and welcoming her into the world. I was particularly excited that she decided to wake up and open her beautiful eyes while I was holding her. She was a very unusually pretty newborn, with a perfectly round head... a benefit of a C-section.

So if you read my blog, you'll notice that this is not our first baby welcome in recent weeks. We just welcomed SamE last week, but Richard was too scared to hold her. I think he feels like he is going to break babies, I'm pretty sure he wasn't comfortable with Leo and Jonah until they were about 9 months old. He rallied his courage tonight though, and held Carly. He did just fine!

Congratulations Jason, Amanda and Jonah!

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