Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Search is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

We got back from Italy June 1st, and today is June 17th. This means I have searched craigslist diligently everyday for the last 17 days, not to mention all the time I spent before our trip, looking for a place to live in DC. I have spent every free moment in the last three weeks looking for places. It was a very difficult decision to make without actually visiting to look, but it is finished.
We will be living at The Prime at Arlington Courthouse in a 1 bedroom, 1 bath 870 sq ft apartment with a small den (for studying), in Arlington, Va at the Courthouse metro stop. This is 2 stops outside DC and should make for a pretty nice commute to school. I am thrilled to find a place in a nice location, pet friendly, updated interiors, with a washer/dryer/dishwasher in the unit.
Thanks Sara for your help, we are looking forward to seeing you guys more!


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