Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So I am pretty much living for my school breaks these days!  So let me tell you what we have coming up.

In March I have spring break from the 6th-14th.  Mom is coming to visit on the 3rd to the 9th!  So excited, hopefully the weather will be a little better then.  Then we're going up to NYC with some friends for a long weekend, including a New York Pizza tour!  The best part about it is that it doesn't involve school.

In April I get 5 days off for Easter, the weekend before the Cherry Blossum Festival.  This break is also right after my busiest week of the semester so it will be a wonderful rest!  Let me know if you want to come for a visit, this will be a beautiful time in DC, and Rich and I will have plenty of free time this weekend!

In May I get an 11 day break from May 21-31, and Rich and I made some plans.  Get ready, this is the rally exciting part.  We are going to San Juan Puerto Rico for a few days prior to a 7 day southern Carribean cruise.  We will stop at 6 different Carribean islands!  Plus, it's a nonstop flight from DC which always makes the travel a lot easier.  It is these breaks that are going to get me through this semester, my lights between tunnels so to speak!

Again if anyone wants to visit I have a pretty light schedule from May 12-20, it would definately be a good time for us to have visitors. 

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