Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week 10- It's a blur!

So this was the week after spring break, and it was so busy I completely forgot that I just had a break last week.  It was full of research and studying, basically just trying to keep up with things.  On an upside, the weather has warmed up significantly this week, we had some absolutIely beautiful days.

These are the only things I remember about this week...

Friday night Tom had a gig playing Jazz at a restaurant in the burbs so we met Sara for dinner and listened to Orpheus.  It was great.  Tom was the youngest member of this group (I think all other members were over 60), he told us the previous drummer died and that's how he got the gig. 

Saturday night, Piola (delicious pizza) and Boccato (yummy gelato) with Katie and Kurtis.

So the week wasn't a total wash.  I did get to socialize a bit.  I also got to go outside and study and enjoy the weather.  But I have another intense soul-sucking week ahead... On the bright side I get five days off for Easter, this is my silver lining to focus on to get through this upcoming week!

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