Monday, March 8, 2010

Week 8-I think I can, I think I can...

I have one more exam to get through, and I have to finish my research paper....I can almost taste Spring Break!

Tuesday:  I DID IT!!!  I took my exam, and finished my research paper (with my fabulous group).  How did I celebrate you ask?  A trip to MAC with Lauren for some make-up... Then I went home and where I did NO studying, I had dinner with my wonderful husband and caught up on TV...FABULOUS!

Wednesday: Mom arrived!  First thing we did was go to TJ MAXX for some retail therapy.  Then we headed over to the Kennedy Center to see the Eastman School of Music perform at Millenium Stage.  Then we headed to Founding Farmers, which happens to be one of the very best restaurants I have eaten at in DC.  It was absolutely delicious! 

Thursday: I had class in the AM, followed by a delicious Greek meal (where I discovered Fasolia), and then mom and I each had an hour long massage.  Just what I needed after the last two weeks.  I felt extremely refreshed.  Then we headed home, worked out, and mom made her homemade fried chicken and gravy...mmmm!  Then we headed out to Tom's concert.  Tom helped put together an Army Band concert highlighting the relationship between music and art.  They commissioned several local artists to construct pieces inspired by the music.  It was fantastic, GREAT JOB TOM!

Friday: More shopping, more class, and Georgetown cupcake.  Mom also got to meet some of my closest friends here in DC, and accompanied us to happy hour and pole dancing.  We bought groupons for aerobic pole dancing class a few months ago, and had scheduled our first class before mom planned her visit.  It was fun, makes me miss Jes and Mel though.
Me, Nicole, and Lauren...Just prior to our Pole Dancing Extravaganza
Our Sexy pic with our Groupons...The socks are really hot, don't you think?

Saturday: More shopping, this time with Richard.  (I emailed Mom after she booked her flight and asked her what she wanted to do on her visit, her response, "shopping").  Today also happened to be the first 50 degree day we've had this year, so we decided we needed to enjoy the lovely weather.  We headed over to Iwo Jima for a little walk, checked out the Carillion bells, and headed home for lunch.  Then we decided that we still wanted to enjoy the beautiful day, so I called Sara to get some advice, she recommended Chrysallis Vineyard in Middleburg, and off we went.  It was absolutely wonderful.  I cannot wait to visit some more of the beautiful VA vineyards.  I particularly enjoyed their Viognier, the 2005 Rubiana, and their Red and White "table wines".  Their red table wine is a sangria inspired wine made with the Norton grape, which I learned is the "Real Virginia" grape.  We bought a few bottles and enjoyed cozying up in the sunshine to enjoy them.

Richard with the Carillion Bells, a gift from the Netherlands signaling friendship

The following are some pictures from Chrysalis Vinyard:


  1. awww...i miss you too! love the blog, love knowing what you're up to!

  2. Beautiful pics. Can't wait to hear about New York and seeing Chicago!


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