Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Cookie Extravaganza!!!

This year my Christmas spirit cup has been running over.  For those of you who don't remember last year we skipped Christmas altogether, and spent a week in Mexico.  This meant no Christmas tree, no Chirstmas presents, and an unsual but wonderful Christmas dinner in Playa del Carmen.  It was one of my favorite Christmas', it was exactly what I needed last year.  But I think the break was exactly what I needed to renew my Christmas spirit!  Because this year it is running our my ears!

The day after Thanksgiving we put up our Christmas tree, our first real Christmas tree, and started our month long Christmas moovie marathon.  Since then I've finished all my Christmas shopping, listened to lots of Christmas music, and planned and executed a delicious Christmas cookie party, which brings me to the point of my post...

Saturday, December 11th- Girl's Day and Night In

I had some of my girlfriends over for lots and lots of cookies!  I made two different batches of gingerbread, a batch of sugar cookies, two different types of icing, plus dinner.  Needless to say we had more than enough cookies for everyone to take home with them.  I really enjoyed my company, especially getting to introduce lauren to cookie cutting.

Ugly Christmas Sweaters!

Saturday, December 4th

We were invited to an Ugly Christmas sweater pub crawl, and really who can pass up a chance to dawn a heinous Christmas sweater in public?  Not me!  So Richard and I went to Goodwill to look for something to wear, naturally we didn't bring any Christmas sweaters to DC with us...  Much to our shock when we arrived they did not have a single Christmas sweater.  So, per my friend Lauren's suggestion I decided to make my own, and we headed to Ross to find the canvas.  Richard found a Christmas tree tie and I bought a cheap red sweater, and headed to the craft store to find the decorations, next thing you know this is what we came up with...

We spent an excited evening hoping around Dupont Circle with some good friends!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

One year from Today

One year from today I will be finished with my clinicals and will be about 1.5-2 months away from being a real CRNA and about two weeks shy of graduation.  I know that's not long at all but I'm afraid it's going to be one long year with a lot of 10 and 12 hour shifts between now and then.  I think I'm going to be exhausted by then.

Today also has another landmark it is the first day I've officially been off 1:1 at work.  Which means now I'm practicing with more responsibility because I'm only working with anesthesiologist's and they are assigned to more than one OR simultaneously. This is basically the same set up as I anticipate once I'm done with school.

1 down 364 more to go...
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