Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The NEXT step

We have two weeks to move out of our house at this point, and as of yesterday had nowhere to go at that point. However, after lots of discussion we decided that the best option for us right now would be to do a short lease on an apartment in the Plano area. In two weeks we will be living in the Villas at Oak Chase in Plano, off Legacy just west of 75.

At this point in August I will temporarily be moving to DC without Richard (unless he gets a job). So he will have a 6 month lease starting in June and ending right before Christmas. If he finds a job between now and then, it won't be extremely costly to end the lease. If he doesn't find a job in that time period we will reevaluate, but I'm leaning towards him quiting his job and moving to DC...but we will see. But please PRAY that he will find a job!!!


  1. definitely keeping you guys in our prayers.

  2. Yep, praying for a job. I hope we can all get together before you leave since we couldn't come to your birthday party!


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