Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week 2-Enjoy!

I have sucessfully made it through week 2 of CRNA school, and I haven't drowned yet. This week resembled a real week in the life of me, more so than last week even though is was slightly abbreviated due to labor day. I have officially been introduced to all of my courses. Tuesday was nice, it felt routine already, another day of anatomy and cadaver lab. The exception came around 5 o'clock when I had my first Health Policy class, a 3 hour long weekly class. It wasn't as bad as it sounds, the professor is quite animated and seems excited to be teaching the course, unfortunately he prefaced the class by telling us not to expect an A and as long as we show up and do the assignments we will get a B...not sure how to take that. Wednesday however greeted me with a double serving of biochem with a research intro inbetween, sounds stellar huh? I thought I felt overwhelmed after that, but then I came home made some clarifications, and guess what? I actually understood a good deal of lecture, he wasn't speaking a foreign language after all. Thursday, anatomy again... Friday,rainy walk, wet jeans, and squishy shoes followed by Anatomy-Biochem-Anatomy Lab, from 8:30 to 3:00, I know doesn't seem like much to those of you out there working 12 hour shifts, but my brain felt like scrambled eggs.

So I came home, and swore off school for the evening. I went shopping, in search of some flat brown boots and some more comfy shoes that are not tennis shoes. This has been my big conundrum with my new lifestyle, no appropriate shoes! Tennis shoes are fine for jeans and a t-shirt or scrubs, but with skinny jeans? I DON'T think so! Thus far I have worn the same pair of shoes every single day, some zebra flats from Target that are super comfy. But who wants to wear the same pair of shoes everyday? NOT ME!!!! So after 4 hours and 6 stores I came up with one additional pair of shoes, the same flats in black instead of zebra from target! So, less than fruitful but at least I wasn't studying. Oh well, by the end of the day I had bought some boots on overstock, we'll see how that goes!

I also came to some major fashion revelations that I am happy to share with the rest of the world. A. Rain boots actually do have a purpose! If you walk everywhere and it's raining you will be wet up to your thighs without them. B. Jeans in the boots vs out is more than just a fashion statement or fad, it is PRACTICAL! Who wants to walk around in the rain, snow, and much with there jeans dragging through it, its definately more than fashion, it is protecton and comfort!

Overall, school is tough, it's a lot of work, but if you diligently stay on it day by day it seems totally manageable at this point. We'll see how it goes when you throw a test or a major paper in the mix though..

Then Saturday I had my first outing with new friends, which I am very excited about. Me and three other girls went out to dinner, drinks, and gelato, my top 3 favorite things. It was excellent to have some social interaction and start getting to know people. I also found the greatest website in the world, It is a day by day blow by blow of area happy hours, and it works for Dallas too!

Oh! The other big event at school this week was the formation of my research group, which I have been really stressed out about. In my program, I do not do a thesis, I will do a group research study with two other people, and we will be continuously working on it for the duration of our schooling, and we have to pick groups by next week. Fortunately thursday my single became a pair and friday my pair became a trio...done and done. Now we just have to figure out what we want to research... Is nothing an option?

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