Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week 2 The GREAT Arrival

School is starting to get into full swing.  I started my ethics class this week, so I have now started 5 of my 6 classes this semester.  Physio is starting to get rough, and not because it is super difficult material, but because the professor is very difficult to understand and kind of sucks at teaching.  Other than that, school's going well so far, there's just a lot to think about with 6 different classes.  I feel a bit like I don't know where to focus my energy, but I'll figure it out.

As far as my new healthy life plan, it is going very well at present.  I've been working out daily, counting my calories, and eating plenty of fruits and veggies.  I tried my first Zumba class this week, which was a blast!  It was an hour long, really hardcore workout, that was a lot of fun!

Thursday, I was able to make a little room for fun and went to happy hour and dinner with some classmates at La Tasca.  My fav tapas restaurant.

Friday, was the big day, Richard arrived!  He got in at 3pm, so I came home to my husband, my dog, and Thane.  The apartment was a wreck but it was sure nice that it wasn't empty. 

Saturday, Thane left early and Richard and I spent the day trying to recover from the move.  We got cable and a DVR, we went to the grocery store, we unpacked and was a busy day.  Then for dinner, we headed out to Sara and Tom's for a wonderful time and some ridiculously delicious food! 

Sunday, we did some cooking, Rich watched a bunch of football, and I hunkered down and did a little studying...just getting ready to start the week.  Plus, tomorrow's Richard's first day at his new job, wish him luck!

1 comment:

  1. yay! isn't it so nice to live in the same state as your hubby again? i love it! so happy for y'all! good luck at your new job, rich! i'm sure you'll be great!


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