Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Richard Sheffield, M.S.

Saturday December 19, 2009

Richard graduated from SMU with a Master's of Science in Engineering Management after four years of work.  SMU has a distance education program that made it easy for him to work on his own schedule.  I am so proud of him!

Funny story...We pulled into the parking lot at SMU and Richard's phone rang, it was his mom.  She was calling to let us know that he might not be graduating, because his name was missing from the program.  This inspired a little fear, but we carried on, hooded him up, and I went and sat down while he went to join the graduates.  Immediately I started scouring the program, thinking maybe Maria had made a mistake, but NO, he was not in the program.  I called him to let him know, but he assured me everything was OK, they had a card with his name on it!  WHEW!  And he did! A few fun facts Richard is wearing Orange to signify engineering, and at SMU the business students wear DRAB to signify their specialty, coincidence?

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who came out and supported us and shared in our Celebration!  We love and appreciate you all! (Maria, Stephen, Nana, Barbara, Clyde, Christa, Daniel, and Mario!)

Richard's Recollection of Graduation, "It was long, boring, and they had to print the words to the National Anthem"

We continued our celebration with lunch at Gloria's!  Yum, I love that place!  Then we reconvened that evening at Champ's in Irving to watch the Cowboys beat the Saints and of course to keep celebrating Richard's big day.  After the game which was very enjoyable, we followed Oscar to a sketchy Japanese Karaoke bar at Royal and 35.  Fortunately, it was awesome!  Good pick Oscar!  You paid by the hour and your entire party had a private room complete with cookie crisp (the cereal, they served it as one of the appetizers).  It was a wonderful day with wonderful people! 

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