Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Week 13-Happy Freakin' Thanksgiving!

This week started out great!  Only one day of class, starting Monday.  Unfortunately Monday evening I started feeling slightly under the weather, so I just thought I needed to go to bed early.  But Tuesday when I woke up, things were worse.  I thought I had a typical sinus infection but as the day progressed I determined it was the flu!  So Wednesday morning after Richard arrived he took me to the Dr. to check it out, yep FLU!  They didn't test to see if it was H1N1 but they gave me some tamiflu which made me sick at first but I certainly started feeling better.  The worst part about being sick was that I missed the big family Thanksgiving, I was quarrentined because I was contagious.

Friday, I stopped being contagious and me, Rich, and Stephan went to the Hirschorn Museum and out to Sara and Tom's for Turkey day leftovers.  Where the boys proved their masculinity with Brazil nut cracking (see picture below).  Also, got to spend time with our beautiful neice and boistrous nephew (we built a garage for his hot wheels).

Saturday, I finally had some time to hang out with the hubby.  I made a butternut squash pasta sauce courtesy of Giada, and it was awful!  I didn't know whether or not I liked butternut squash, I don't!

Sunday, I had a bit of a nervous breakdown when I realized that I have a comprehensive oral anesthesia exam in a week that I have not started studying for.  So I spent some time studying.  Then Sara, Tom, and Stephan came over for dinner, wine, and Trivial Pursuit.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great, but you can also try Dave's Gourmet Butternut Squash Sauce. It won the award for best pasta sauce in the industry for 2009.


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