Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dinner with the Bursons

April 23, 2009...I decided it would be a great idea to have some friends over for dinner after work, and it was. Daniel and Christa came over with their babies Drystan and Calla, and by babies I mean their 4 and 2 year olds. Not quite babies anymore. We had not seen the babies since December, so it was great to see them, but I feel like we got a pretty good glimpse at what being a parent is really like, which was a little scary. These are two of the most precious kids in the world, but I am so glad I don't have any yet... I still need some practice. Thanks guys for the life lesson.

It's a good thing Richard is really great at playing with kids, I don't know where he got the energy after working all day. But he entertained them with laundry basket ball, O ball shenanigans, rolling of my decorative balls, and his world class juggling act. All very entertaining, at the expense of my zebra ball...good thing my husband is an engineer and figured out how to put it back together.

1 comment:

  1. haha, whoops! nothing a little crazy glue can't handle!


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